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Re: [Nbd] Problems getting nbd-2.7.x to compile

Wouter Verhelst wrote:

On Sat, Jun 19, 2004 at 09:42:39PM -0600, J. Ryan Earl wrote:
Wouter Verhelst wrote:

On Sat, Jun 19, 2004 at 05:15:59AM -0600, J. Ryan Earl wrote:
What package is docbook-to-man a part of?
docbook-to-man :-)


Apparently Gentoo renames the binary to docbook2man.

No, that's something else, although it's functionally equivalent :-)

docbook2man is part of docbook-utils, which you can find at
Yea, I went to: http://sources.redhat.com/docbook-tools. It had a documentation link to the oasis-open.org site you referenced, so I incorrectly assumed they were the same. Either way, that's the package supported on Gentoo, so I simply marked nbd-2.7.1.ebuild as dependent upon it and it'll just all work out in the future.

BTW, this ebuild is now live on Portage rsync mirrors, it ended up looking like:

# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-apps/nbd/nbd-2.7.1.ebuild,v 1.1 2004/06/20 05:26:52 vapier Exp $

DESCRIPTION="Userland client/server for kernel network block device"

KEYWORDS="~x86 ~ppc ~amd64"


src_unpack() {
   unpack ${A}
   cd ${S}
   sed -i "s:-O2:${CFLAGS}:" gznbd/Makefile
   sed -i 's:docbook-to-man:docbook2man:g' Makefile.in

src_compile() {
   econf \
       --enable-lfs \
       --enable-syslog \
       || die
   emake || die
   emake -C gznbd || die

src_install() {
   make install DESTDIR=${D} || die
   dobin gznbd/gznbd || die
   dodoc README

This is starting to look like a mess. I'll try to get something better
for 2.8 (like, not require you to build the manpage; I can do that
myself, and make the built manpage part of the distributed tarball).
*shrugs* It's done now =) nbd isn't the only package to do things this way.

Incidently, Gentoo just marked the 2.6.6 kernel-headers as stable, so the patch to copy over nbd.h is not really needed anymore.

I'm working on an ebuild for this:
I include it here for peer review.


PS I'll probably have a ton more questions after I get a proper package working.

Heh. We'll see :-)

src_compile() {
	econf || die
	emake || die
	emake -C gznbd || die
That was from the previous ebuild, I didn't change it, not sure if it was needed..

note that gznbd isn't really supported ATM (as in, "it might work, but
it might just as well not, it's not documented, and I don't really care
about security here"). I plan to merge it into the "main" nbd-server at
some point in the future, but not just yet. Patches are welcome, but see
http://nbd.sf.net/roadmap.html :-)
Cool, I'll give that a peak. I'm just starting to set this all up in a lab environment. My ideal use for NBD is to create a redundant "network head" to my own AS within a datacenter. That is, I get 2 or 3 redundant network drops to different CARs which feed into this redundant mesh. I want to have each drop go into a different server, but I want all the servers to share the same basic filesystem and for that filesystem to be automatically rebuilt when a one of the heads fails.

Yea, it's gonna take some R&D, I'm still looking at the Linux High-Availability project and I might have to use some routing daemon ala Quagga to handle some of the network routing/failover stuff. I originally had this idea awhile back: http://www.clanhk.org/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&p=3823 It's taken me awhile to get my head around it.


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