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Re: What's a correct naming scheme for PHP extensions (written on compiled language, e.g. C)?

On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 9:42 AM, Sean Finney <seanius@debian.org> wrote:
> Well it's not a "policy violation" in the sense that the PHP Policy
> Draft is not actually Debian Policy, but the draft for a set of
> recommendations.

Anyway, you got an idea.

> It also seems that the draft is... well... ambiguous
> enough on a few points that it's not read the same way by different
> packagers.
> yes i would agree that if it's a pre-compiled pecl module that phpN-pkg
> is more appropriate, but it's nothing I'd shed any tears over since it
> is fairly inconsistent already.

Hope, it's time to fix this.  I'm also surprised why
Debian PHP Maintainers are outside of this
policy creation process.

Where I can find source (SGML or whatever) of this policy document?

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