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Re: setting up network with a hosts file, but your way

On Sat, Aug 12, 2023 at 04:01:49PM -0400, gene heskett wrote:
> > Step one: determine the NAME of your ethernet interface.
> eth0
> > Step two: edit /etc/network/interfaces to bring up this interface with
> > your desired IP address, netmask, and gateway.  If there's a running
> > DHCP client daemon (because the installer set it up for DHCP instead
> > of static addressing), you may need to kill that daemon.  Or, if you're
> > especially clever, you can bring the interface DOWN, BEFORE editing
> > the file, which will kill the daemon cleanly.  Most people forget this
> > step, so they just end up killing the daemon later, with "kill" or
> > by rebooting.
> interface had lo already
> added
> iface eth0 inet static
> address
> gateway
> correct? editor saved to do resolv.conf next

You're missing "auto eth0".

Are you sure your router's address ends with .2?  Usually networks are
set up with the router at .1.  It's not required, of course.  But it's
unusual for it not to be.

> That daemons name?

How the heck would we know?  You're not running Debian.

ps -ef | grep -i dhc

That should cover variants of names like "dhclient" or "dhcpcd".  I guess
"pump" is also a possibility, but I don't think anyone has used pump in
many years.

Or you could just reboot to ensure it dies.

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