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Re: I am stuck: X on a Compaq Armada M300 (ATI Rage Lt Pro)

Dear HdV,

I've upgraded to woody on my armada E500 but installed it as potato. X ran fine on it. It has the same graphic cards so it must work on your system too.

No screens found means the total of the xserver is not installed. try xserver-xfree86 or something. You'r almost there...

Suc6 Richarc

At 18:27 03-10-2001 +0200, you wrote:
Hi out there,

I tried, but it seems I lack the experience needed to solve this. I hope
some kind soul on the list can help me out.

Today I've installed potato on a Compaq Armada M300, which was easy
enough to do. After I finished the base install without X I did some of
the necessary stuff, like closing all unwanted LISTENing ports and doing
the apt-get update & upgrade routine. So far no problem. But I like the
eye-candy X can give me, so I installed X, which resulted in a very
weird (almost drug-induced-like) image on VT7. So I read up on the topic
and found some messages on the net suggesting that you should upgrade to
XFree86 4 to get it working propperly.

Well, since cpbotha made a nice set of debs available I just did that
and afterwards ran xf86cfg. However that didn't get me far (no mouse and
it segfaults when you actually try to configure a device). So I tried a
text-mode configuration with xf86config, choosing ATI Rage 128 as the
driver (the ATI Rage LT Pro is not listed and someone suggested this was
the closest relative). Upon finishing that I ran startx and as a reward
got an error message stating there were "no screens found". I tried to
find more information about this problem, but wasn't sucessful.

>From /var/log/XFree86.0.log:

(--) PCI:*(0:5:0) ATI Mach64 LI rev 220, Mem @ 0x40000000/24,
0x41080000/12, I/O @ 0x3000/8

So the card was sucessfully probed. The last lines in the log say:

(II) APM: driver for the Alliance chipsets: AP6422, AT24, AT3D
(II) Primary Device is: PCI 00:05:0
(EE) No devices detected.

Fatal server error:
no screens found

There are no other errors or warnings, just (II) lines.

That's about all leads I have. Can someone on the list point me in the
right direction? I'd appreciate your help.

Grx HdV

Support bacteria -
they're the only culture some people have.

J.A. de Vries aka HdV
Delft University of Technology
Computing Centre

Email: J.A.deVries@DTO.TUDelft.NL
Email: HdV@DTO.TUDelft.NL

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