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Re: Getting Connected to the Internet

On Mon, 2001-09-17 at 15:31, Eric Borton wrote:
> I have a desktop here at work and I would like to connect to the network.
> I have a 3Com ethernet card.  Can someone show this newbie where to go for
> newbie instructions.  If it something easy like typing in some command that
> will take me through the process of configuration then could someone please
> give that to me.

Well, firstly this is debian-laptop and you're asking about a desktop
computer .... 

Anyways what you need to do is make sure that your specific model of
3com card has a module built for it, or support is compiled into your
kernel.  This is going to depend on whether or not you've made your own
kernel or just went with the stock debian kernel.  Either way you're
most likey eventually going to modprobe 3c-whatever to get support
loaded into the kernel.  

then you are going to add something like this into your
/etc/network/interfaces file:

auto eth0
iface eth inet dhcp

if you are dynamically assigned an addres or 
you will need your network admin to give you each of these numbers to
fill in like below.

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
	address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

then after you get the right choice then run /etc/init.d/networking
restart as root.

ifconfig should then show eth0 listed and configured.


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