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Re: My impressions on KDE and KDEPIM 4.10

El Dissabte, 26 de gener de 2013, a les 12:03:03, Martin Steigerwald va 
> Am Dienstag, 22. Januar 2013 schrieb Josep Febrer:
> Mesa 9.0.1 wouldn´t be an issue here, since I also built it, in order to
> test an intel gfx issue against latest fdo master git + some patch by an
> intel gfx developer.
> Qt 4.8.4 is in wheezy anyway? But you could upload these as well.

I updated to Qt 4.8.4 because KDE 4.10 exposed some bugs on my setup that 
weren't present on KDE 4.8, but since then the KDE devs added workarounds for 
Qt 4.8.2, so that upgrade it is not as necessary.


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