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Re: What about programming

On Sat, Jan 27, 2001 at 11:24:45PM +0800, Hilaire Fernandes wrote:
> Hi,
> During a discussion on #debian-jr with Anne, Ben, Georges and myself
> we fall - as techno people we are - in a discussion about including
> programming language in Debian-JR
> We talk about Logo, Scheme, Basic , Python.

I think these are great, especially logo.  Are there any nice
beginners tutorials for these languages that we could include?  I loved
logo because you can do so many neat things graphically.

In the future, I hope to get some Lego Mindstorms, which are
programmable legos.  There are several ways to program for the
Mindstorms, and I know at least one, nqc (not quite c) is in debian and
can compile for the Mindstorms.  (Actually, it compiles for the "RCX"
which is the "programmable brick" that goes between the computer and
the legos.)

Of course, the Mindstorms themeselves are quite expensive ($200 US for
the starter set), but for those that have them I bet it would make a
nice, fun place to learn to program.

Do you think including this would turn debian-jr into a Mindstorms
advertisement?  I sure wouldn't want to encourage kids to beg their
parents for these cool but expensive toys.

There are also some games where you write programs to fight against one
another, iirc.  Has anyone used these...?

> What do you think ? Do you know such langage that kids can use?
> Hilaire
> --
> OFSET - Organization for Free Software in Education and Teaching
> http://www.ofset.org

Pat Mahoney	<patmahoney@gmx.net>

I had no shoes and I pitied myself.  Then I met a man who had no feet,
so I took his shoes.
                -- Dave Barry

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