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Re: XFCE For Debian JR

> I've used XFCE on my daughter's Mandrake system and got .debs from the
> XFCE site to install it on my system. I haven't used it much, due to
> the extensive configuration that is required to make it very usable It
> does not have a menu system, per say. There are pop-up menus that have
> a few apps set-up, but it can not access the regular Menu system that
> all the other W/M use.

Well, on my sid box it does use the menu system the rest of the apps 
use..you just click the desktop with the 1st button(middle is window 
opts list[move, close, etc] and third is window list..pretty 
> Having said that, the configuration seems the be quite easy, and once
> set-up should be very workable.
It is extremely easy to set up. XFce 3 makes it even easier..there is 
a GUI for almost all config(even themes..just choose the colors and 
the Gtk theme engine you want to use, and hit apply). I find it to be 
very nice. Although not as extensive as GNOME or KDE, it is still 
nice and easy to use(since instead of having one huge config app, you 
have several smaller ones that focus on specific areas of the 
>Again, the up-side is, this is
> a completely different idea of what a DeskTop should be than what M$
> would like us to think a DeskTop should be. The down side is, this is
> a completely different idea of what a DeskTop should be than what M$
> would like us to think a DeskTop should be. The little work I have
> done with XFCE has shown it to be extremely fast and efficient, even
> on low-memory hardware. It flies on my daughters P133 with 16M of
> memory.
I know of a person who has xfce running on his 486 with 8MB of ram 
and it flies.

> I just mention XFCE because it seems to be another DeskTop that
> everyone has overlooked with the KDE-vs-Gnome flamewars raging away.
> <Paste>
Lets make it the XFCE-GNOME/KDE wars..XFce seems to be the only 
desktop enviroment that isn't copying M$..see the big K and the gnome 
foot? What do they remind you of? And the flower menu in gnome 
1.2..apple and M$ ideas. XFce is nice because it is lightweight, and 
is somewhat original(although it is like CDE). It took me maybe an 
hour to untrain myself from the ways apple and M$ have taught me to 
think, and to see how much easier xfce is.

> As I say, XFCE seems to be the only actual DeskTop to run fine for the
> 16M range of PC's. I say DeskTop because it has actual Drag-N-Drop
> between apps like KDE and Gnome. Window managers only support
> Cut-N-Paste to varying degrees.
DnD works really great with XFTree, but when I use XFTree + applix 
words, to DnD a file into it, it only shows this in the doc instead 
of the file:
And gmc does it right..well XFTree just added DnD in XFce 3, so it 
might get fixed in version 4..and cut and paste only works(for me) as 
good as the programs that support it. And IMHO a real desktop(with 
icons) and somewhat better gnome support(so I could use gmc right..of 
course, adding something like XFdesk or something would negate this 
need). But still, for the little ram it uses, it does to a lot.

"Ain't it l33t?"
All views expressed are IMHO.
Because MHO is better than yours.

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