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RE: Improvement suggestion for 6in4 docs.

elf@florence.buici.com [mailto:elf@florence.buici.com]  wrote:

> I've been working to get ipv6 running on one of my machines
> for a couple of days.  The freenet6 ip tunnel allocation
> script appears to have a hiccup where it sends me an address
> different from the one it *really* assigns.  6in4 appears to be a more
reliable config.
Did you try any other tunnelbroker... there seem to be more people with
Here is a small list of current TB's:
http://ipv6tb.he.net/ - Hurricane Electric
http://www.bt.com/ipv6/ - British Telecom
http://www.join.uni-muenster.de/welcome-e.html - JOIN
https://carmen.cselt.it/ipv6tb - CSELT
http://www.ipng.nl/ - IPng (which is going to be SiXXS soon, see
http://www.sixxs.net )
http://www.6bone.it/ - IRCd Italia
http://tunnelbroker.uninett.no/ - Uninett
http://tunnelbroker.uninett.no/ - Bersafe
http://www.uk.v6.ntt.net/ - NTT Europe
http://www.dhis.org/atncp/ - DHIS Dynamic Tunnel
http://www.kfu.com/~nsayer/6to4/ - public 6to4 relays

This was taken from http://hs247.com which contains a lot of nice links
about IPv6.
Which nicely has a link to Kitame's IPv6 packages at


> An example of the bind reverse lookup would be handy, too.  I
> think I understand what is meant, but it would still be
> helpful to see an example.
See http://www.ipng.nl/index.php3?page=dns.html for more about that :)
Or ofcourse... http://www.crt.se/dnssec/bind9 for all BIND setup info.
Note that with 6to4 you cannot define reverses.
And ofcourse also note that DNSSpam (see www.dnsspam.nl) is very much


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