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[no subject]

What I'd actually like to see is something that's capable of being
powered by either of two USB chargers, so that (given that we're relying
n el-cheapo power supplies) if one of them blows up, we still have power
to send you a message saying that the PSU#1 just died, say.

An alternative way of doing that would be to use a phone battery as a
UPS, to provide enough life to send out warnings.

Similarly, if we're putting people's most vital data on these things, it
would probably be nice to have the option of 2 SD cards or perhaps 2 SATA
drives so that we can RAID the data.

That's the sort of feature that we're willing to pay the few extra cents
it costs for the copper and the extra socket that the mass-producing kit
manufacturers are never going to spontaneously decide to install on a
mass-market router.

This of course makes one think that perhaps we should rather be settling
on a particular model of android phone's hardware, but then we don't get
ethernet, and we're paying for a screen we don't need.

Another idea would be to put most of the system on a standard board that
could be common across various different incarnations, and then provide
a decent quality wall-wart that that fits into, or and ADSL router
shell, or a thing that carries a phone battery and a solar cell,
etc. etc.  I'm thinking something a bit like this:


> Anyone have other suggestions for hardware vendors?  I'm keeping my
> order in, just to see how ridiculous they get, but I'm looking
> elsewhere.

Good luck.  :-)

Cheers, Phil.

P.S. I've got no links to simtec other than knowing a few of the DDs
that work there, and owning one of their wonderful Entropy keys.
|)|  Philip Hands [+44 (0)20 8530 9560]    http://www.hands.com/
|-|  HANDS.COM Ltd.                    http://www.uk.debian.org/
|(|  10 Onslow Gardens, South Woodford, London  E18 1NE  ENGLAND
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