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Re: GUI to ldap administration

Hi Winnie,

On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 02:02:08PM +0100, Patrick Winnertz wrote:
> Hey,
> Yes, that's basically correct. My last upload was in 2008, however a new 
> upload to unstable is planned this month to update it to a more recent 
> version.
> As lwat is a nice approach for administration I would like to see further 
> active development on upstreams side of the project. 
> You're right, the shape of the package is not very good currently. However 
> this can change. Typos are no huge act and as you mentioned that you've seen 
> them, would you please send me a patch, that would be nice. :)

Great to hear from you! As discussed in this tread:


we already started to improve upstream:


We are now waiting for the translations/po-files update. 
Do you know of any further patches that should be applied upstream? It
would be nice to commit them now and after having upstream in shape
prepare and upload a new debian package.  

Please let me know if I can be of any help.



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